Monday, April 27, 2009


Hello everyone!

Let me first start by throwing out a huge THANK YOU to LindsayLu for this awesome idea! Now why I did not think of it is beyond me. She must have a higher I.Q. Not a word from anyone about that!

Let's begin with a group hug and continue the Atkins way! Now I'm a firm believer in Induction followed to the letter however, after that if tweaking is necessary, so be it! Tweak all you want and I'll be the first one here by your side trying to help. Our goals are the same well not the men's. If their goal were to fit their butts into a two piece bikini then we'd have issues here, but you all know what I mean!

Looking SO forward to seeing old faces and seeing new ones. Bring it people! Let's have some fun with one another and Atkins. I challenge any one not to laugh here. There is going to be some great things going on here with whom I think will become part of this blog.



  1. Lisa!!! I feel so much better already! Plus Im the first on posting! See that Linds!

  2. Oh man you guys! It is SO good to see you both! Seriously! I have NO clue what I'm doing here LOL. God help me! AT lease I can see you two now and life IS good. Now, when I figure this all out it'll be so much better.

  3. *least* not lease..sheesh..My first typing error. More to come I imagine.

  4. LOL!!! Well at "lease" I know I wont be the only one misspelling!

  5. How do you get rid of the "verification word" when we post?

  6. Freakin' hell if I know! I just gave Lindsay rights to doll this place up a bit. All I knew how to do is get this up and going. I'm looking around a bit to further learn. Sorry I couldn't help.

  7. No biggie. Hey, where is Linds?

  8. Sorry John. I actually started to do this very odd thing....WORKING...I know,I know, it's strange but true. I think our sweet Lindsay is busy working on getting this blog all looking proper and all. I'll check back later. Glad you both are here and more to come.

  9. Who else are you inviting to the blog?

  10. Just got done working out. It's always so tough on Mondays!

  11. Gonna see if I can post some before and after pictures. I have to scan some old pics and have my daughter take some new ones. Do you know what Jen used to post hers?

  12. hey yall! sorry to be so elusive today...i did see your posts- i was just kind of in a funk over all the changes. i am glad we are all here now!!


  13. Hi guys!I already did my workout John! Lindsay? Did you do yours? It felt great to get back to that gym. I actually "eye balled" the spin bike, Lindsay. I "eye balled" it but that's as close as I got. LOL. Sorry. Just can't hoist my butt up on that thing just yet. You've done a great job here on the blog, my friend! Love the new additions. I'll have to try and take some time and read through this site to see how this is done. I think John you can try a website called Photobucket?

  14. Linds!!! I knew you were out there!!! What's going on? Are you leaving the forum as well?

  15. Hey you two. I was just thinking. If you both find this a hassle I truly understand. You both do not need to do this just for me. Stay on the Atkins boards. Seems less of a hassle. We can always talk through Yahoo mail yet if you both prefer. Just let me know your thoughts. I don't want to be a pain in anyone's side, ever.

  16. No!!! I love it that I'm here! You're doing this for me! I need my Linds/Lisa fix!!!

  17. I know Lindsay never comes online at night so let's hope she dolls this place up some more. New curtains, maybe a huge over stuffed couch?

  18. Let's hope she dolls this place up more TOMORROW. Sheessshhhh ...another error on my part.

    Tonight I worked out hard. It felt GREAT! I couldn't get to the weights though. Huge muscle heads over there and the last thing I wanted to do was walk over all sweaty and walk between them picking up a 10 lb. weight. LOL

  19. Funny Lisa!!! Now if you can get on the bike!!! I have to see if this isn't blocked from work today. If it is I'll keep in touch thru email.

  20. 6:00 AM and I have to take a shower, and get ready to go to work. I don't like my work situation right now... :-(

  21. i dont like your work situation either John. I mean, "somehow" we just seem to be "missing" each other everytime...unless of course what you said is true and we are one and the same. LOL. Lisa, you could never be a pain! that is why i was excited to find somehting we could all still be on. i hope we get some more peeps back from the dark side. John, I am not saying i am leaving the forums- i glanced at them briefly this AM but i just havent gotten into them in a long time. the only threads i was going on anymore were the ones with yall anyway and riding the waves.

    hey john- if i started a "before and after" section on the permanent sidebar of our home page here, could i list you so that when people clicked on your name it showed your short bio and your before and after pics? that would be cool to see.

    Lisa, if you dont mind, i might make the acceptable foods list a permanent link on the side bar as well so it doesnt get pushed back pages by the post. Is that cool?


  22. Hey, Lisa! And John & Lindsay! I am trying to find my way around here...this is all new to me! Lisa, I was going to compliment you on this beautiful site! But, I guess kudos go to Lindsay?? Anyways, this is too cool! Lisa, do you mind if I pass this on to others??

    Also, need to disagree about Lisa being a pain...sometimes a pain in the backside! LOL! You know I'm kidding my friend!

    This is a great idea!


  23. (((Carol)))) I oughtaaa!!! :)

    Isn't this a super idea? All the credit goes to Lindsay! She suggested it yesterday and before I knew it I was searching this place and the ONLY thing I did was sign up for it and Lindsay did all the dressing it up! Tell anyone you would like, Carol! The more the merrier are my feelings and I'm sure Lindsay and John feel the same way!

    Lindsay, do whatever you want. I'm laughing pretty hard right now because last night I did look around here and tried to do a few things. Ummm, they didn't work! As you can see. LOL...The Acceptable Foods list was NOT suppose to go there but that's the only place I could find to put it. Sigh. You do whatever I messed up and fix it. I trust you 100%.

  24. Cleo's coming...Cleo's coming......Life IS good folks!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. dangit. so i tried posting a comment and was logged on as Lisa so it said she left it so then I copied and deleted it and logged on as myself and now it wont let me paste it. LOL

    ANYWAY, just wanted to say I am glad to see you Carol and glad to know Cleo is coming too! Dont be afraid to post subjects on the home page (the more we have the better our placement in the search engines) and also please look around and feel free to leave suggestions on anything you think should be added: lists, links, information, etc and I will do what I can.


  27. Here I am...boy..I am such a duffas when it comes to this stuff..I have been working at this for an hour...:)

    Thanks for setting this up Lindsay...I was so ticked at myself for not leaving an email address so that I could contact some of you but Lisa helped me out with some and now I will get to talk with all of you.....

    Melodie (formerly cleo) and apparently a drama queen along with Lisa...who we all know really joshing Lisa

  28. Melodie! Until I got to the end, I was thinking...who the heck is Melodie?? LOL Yeah, i know, you both are such drama queens for saying bye! how ridiculous of you! I am glad you are here!!


  29. If any of you use the shakes and used to like the powder mix....I saw some in our grocery store is 15.99 for the container and would make 10 drinks...if any of you see it in the US please note the price and let me know. The Atkins stuff is cheaper there. I like to have the powder stuff for when we travel and was so ticked when they dropped it...


  30. People! Long time no talk! I have like 10 minutes before I start my workout!

    Linds, yes, if you can make me a link we can do my Bio and Before and After pics!

  31. Hello am I alone. Just my luck, everybody runs and hides when I show up. I'll be right back, I gotta get a breath mint.

  32. Hey Cleo, or should I say Melodie. I'm sorry to see either one of you leave the boards, but I'm glad you are both here. I will be asking questions shortly about the next phases of Atkins, so don't put those thining caps away so soon.

  33. Holy cow. I made it!

    Hi everyone.


  34. Nice job, Lisa and Lindsay.


  35. I just signed on and SO happy to see Melodie, Suellen, Terry, Chris, Carol! Glad to see you all!

    Now, if I can just learn myself how to navigate around here things would be great!

  36. Hail, Hail, the gang's all here! LOL, Lindsay, if I could figure out HOW to post a new topic, I would! I am quite proud that I can actually post a comment here!

    Suellen - nice to "see" you...long time no see! :)

    Oh, so nice to have everyone here!


  37. Hi Carol. I have like 12 minutes left on my battery and my daughter took my power cord. LOL

    So talk fast.....

  38. I believe that only the owner of the blog can post a topic.

    However, if the owner of the blog can allow other people to create topics.

    A blog isn't really a "discussion group", she wrote, smiling.


  39. OK, so OBVIOUSLY Suellen knows what the heck is going on I am not, so don't click Savvy for me on this one! :)

    So, why do we have to go through verification every time we post a comment? Or am I doing something wrong? Maybe it's because this isn't a discussion group! LOL!


  40. Well...I think I got the verification part figured out now!

  41. OK. I hate ADAM!!!!! Go Danny!!!!!!

  42. {{Suellen}} Nice to see you!! We might have to make the username and password universal to all of the followers so that anyone can post as they see fit. What do yall think?

    i am so excited!! THESE are the people that have helped me get to this point! it feels like home again!


  43. John, stop being so prejudice!! :) Adam is good too...and pretty. Dont tell me....just got out of school for the night so i have AI recorded

  44. Hey Chris! It's a pain to get through initially, isnt it??

    geez! LOL

  45. >>We might have to make the username and password universal to all of the followers so that anyone can post as they see fit. What do yall think?>>

    I think that's a bad idea ... from a control issue.

    Better that people get "invited" to be bloggers ... so the owner still retains control.

    Why didn't you create a Yahoo group if that's the kind of "messaging" you want to do?

    A blog isn't really conducive to "dialog" ... as much as it is the "musings" of the owner.

    If you want back and forth, this "post a comment" isn't the way to do it ... in my opinion.


  46. Linds! Yeah, yeah, whatever. I DON'T LIKE HIM! :-P

  47. oh yeah and hey Terry! welcome...keytones breath and all

  48. Gimmee an A gimmee another A ...awesome Adam!!!.....:)

    Now off to hockey playoffs....have a good evening folks...


  49. Ooohhhh. I hate Adam!!!! How about DWTS!!!

  50. Danny is going to win (saying quietly)

    Lindsay. I think giving the password and screen name to everyone is a horrible idea. That's my account and I really don't want everyone in the world knowing. You yes, and that's it. Suellen pointed out to me that it's best we don't use anything with the ATKINS logo on it. I have to agree. I deleted the Acceptable Foods List and Suellen sent me the correct one. Now if someone would just show me how to get it TO the WWW or make it a HTTP file so I can put it on here, that would would great! I think I have too much on my plate lately. And, I don't mean food! I'll figure it out sooner than later!

    Good luck at the playoffs, Cleo! Sorry, I'm still going to call you Cleo..Sue me!

  51. Lisa,

    go here:

    This will download Adobe Acrobat for you. Place it on your desktop and then install it.

  52. Wow! It's getting really bad over at the forum. Phase 1 people giving clueless advice! I gave two people a negative "helpful" and a negative "Atkins-savvy". I'm geeting flagged or banned!

  53. LOL

    WOW there was a lot to catch up on this AM. Ok, I agree that the blog is not really working appropriately for what we need it to be. Pretty soon, it will take us 5 minutes just to scroll to the bottom of the comments to leave one. hmmmm, i have no idea how to do the Yahoo deal. we shall see. Lisa, i wondered about using something with the Atkins logo but then noticed it was on a number of other websites so I thought it might be alright...but i agree, prob not the best idea. is the file you have a word doc?

  54. Good Morning. I know NOTHING about blogs or groups or anything else that plugs into a wall or has to be recharged, so you nice folks just tell me where to show up, and I'll be there. I'm just glad to be in a friendly, ACCURATE, fun (did I say accurate already?) place to get advice and share support.


  55. I can provide information about creating a Yahoo group ... or provide information to an existing Yahoo Atkins group if anyone wants to "check" it out.

    Lindsay ... Lisa knows how to contact me ... get my email from her.

    And the Induction food list that Lisa has is a pdf file right now ... but I have the Word document ...


  56. i want to "check" it out! :)

    John also provided a link to a free forum hosting site that looks interesting.

    I will get your email from Lisa too to get the information on the Yahoo group. thanks!


  57. Make sure you read this:


  58. Also, it would be interesting to see an existing "freeforum" ... rather than investing the time in creating one to see if it's worth it.


  59. i agree! well, lisa is going to take a look at this this weekend and see what she can do. i think we should check out the yahoo group as well as keep the blog possibly...
    it's finals week and they are stressing me out. i always get myself worked into a tizzy over them and then it all goes fine. i keep reminding myself of that but it doesnt work. spin class works, cant wait to go tonight. my thighs feel like someone beat me with a metal trashcan (lol, ?)but that's ok with me!!


  60. Hey, Lindsay... please don't forget to take deep, slow breaths while you're taking your finals. Lots of evidence that increasing oxygen to the brain raises test scores by 6-9%. Every little bit helps! Oh... and water. Drink water during your test.

    (Just the teacher part of me coming out, I guess.)


  61. Hey Chris, thank you for the tips! I promise I will be thinking of this when i am taking them. i used to love tests in high school. being good at taking them was what saved my grades because i was such a slacker but now that it means more to me than anything (and cost me hard earned $$)...i get all worked up. hey, maybe my weight is stalled because of stress from school...ok, sounds good enough to go with this week. LOL

    thanks teach!


  62. Suellen. Haven't had a chance to get back to you regarding your last email. Soon! I will check out the forum option as I think that sounds more of what we are all looking for. You've been most helpful, again. Where do I here give you a Helpful Tag? (SNICKER)

  63. I'm home! But time to work out (to Lady Gaga)! Right Lisa!?! ;-)

  64. it was just confirmed that my brother has the swine flu and my sister-in-law is showing signs of it already. please pray as they have my 6 week old neice and 20 month old nephew in the house and my mom is there helping out so they are all going on medication and being quarantined. to top it all off, he is the chief of surgery at ohio state university and has been working on oncology patients on a 30 hour shift so pray for those patients too.


  65. Linds,

    We are praying for all of them...

  66. Oh heavens Lindsay....what a worry...thing is that they say the ones that have shown up here have been lighter cases and the healthier you are the better you will fare.....I will certainly keep your family and your brothers patients and co-workers in my thoughts and prayers.

    Melodie...or as you like to say..:)...Cleo

  67. Lindsay, I will keep them in my prayers. This is a scary thing going on, keep us posted as to how they are doing.

  68. Thank you very much Cleo/Melodie and Terry!

    I really appreciate your prayers. Just an update: my brother is feeling much better after 24 hours of being on the meds- my nephew started last night and niece is starting today. they have never tested this medication on children so we are hoping for no side effects.

