Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What did I eat today?

If anyone cares to show what they ate today along with NET carbs perhaps that would be beneficial to others. If not, just jot down what you ate and others can do their own homework with figuring out the net carbs.

Let's Exercise

Here's a place to comment on your daily/weekly/monthly whatever amount of time you exercise. What kind do you do, what's the best machines to use at the gym or at home, and how effective do you find exercise with your low carb lifestyle?

Monday, April 27, 2009


Hello everyone!

Let me first start by throwing out a huge THANK YOU to LindsayLu for this awesome idea! Now why I did not think of it is beyond me. She must have a higher I.Q. Not a word from anyone about that!

Let's begin with a group hug and continue the Atkins way! Now I'm a firm believer in Induction followed to the letter however, after that if tweaking is necessary, so be it! Tweak all you want and I'll be the first one here by your side trying to help. Our goals are the same well not the men's. If their goal were to fit their butts into a two piece bikini then we'd have issues here, but you all know what I mean!

Looking SO forward to seeing old faces and seeing new ones. Bring it people! Let's have some fun with one another and Atkins. I challenge any one not to laugh here. There is going to be some great things going on here with whom I think will become part of this blog.
